The Approach

What do the following people have in common: personal development guru Tony Robbins, chess masters like Garry Kasparov, airplane spotters during World War II … and Charlie Euchner?

Each can assess a complex problem and explain how to fix it almost instantly.

Tony Robbins is the life coach who has worked with everyone from Bill Clinton to a New Zealand woman who amassed $250,000 in gambling debts.

Kasparov and other chess masters can glance at a chess board and determine just how the pieces got that way—and a wide range of moves, on both sides, that will lead to a checkmate.

The airplane spotters were British officers who were able to determine, in an instant, whether incoming planes were British planes coming home or German planes coming to bomb the country to smithereens.

And Charlie Euchner?

He’s a longtime writer, editor, and teacher who can read a section of a manuscript and tell you, in an hour, different strategies for dealing with every conceivable problem of that draft. Give him an outline and a chapter draft, and he can show you how to make your book better.

By studying the cutting-edge literature on learning and the brain, Charlie has identified all the simple, intuitive skills you need to master any writing challenge. He has distilled these skills down to their essence—and developed simple ways to apply them, right away.

So here’s the deal.

1. Sign up for a 15-minute consultation—for free.
2. If you want to continue, figure out what passage you want Charlie to examine.
3. Give Charlie an hour to show you how to transform the manuscript—better and faster than you will find anywhere else.

Ready? It’s time to get to work.